Sunday, October 18, 2009

157 days and counting

So in 157 days from today I will be getting on a plane and leaving Perth, Western Australia on a 1/2 round the world plane ticket.

The plan is to spend 12 days in New Zealand, then hop a flight to Los Angeles on the 27th March, spend a month or two traveling around the US of A and then heading up to Vancouver to live and work for 6 - 12 months.

I am completely terrified.

I have traveled quite a bit, last year I spent 3 months backpacking around Europe, some of it done solo and some with friends and family. But this will be the second time that I have lived out of home and I have decided to give it a go on the other side of the world.

There are a few things that make me feel a little bit better:

1) I am not going alone, I am moving with a close friend so we will at least have one another to cling to if we are stuck up the river without a paddle so to speak...

2) I have an onward ticket from Los Angeles to London that I have bought and paid for already.

The things that I am concerned about include:

1) That although my friend is fabulous, I seem to be the practical one of the both of us, and she has this crazy impulsive side that is completely opposite to my cautious (slightly OCD) nature.

2) That if I get stuck, or for some reason can't find work/a place to live etc my onward ticket only gets me as far as London - and then what the frack do I do?

3) MONEY - I seem to not have enough of it - North America is expensive, travel is expensive - between now and the day I leave I have to pay for travel insurance, flights, a backpack, accomodation, and a whole bunch of other random stuff for the trip.

4) Employment, I don't yet have it and I am nervous about getting it when I get there.

So right now I am looking at that dwindling number of days between me and Dday (D stands for departure FYI) and I am feeling a little freaked out.

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed and trying to stay optimistic.

That's all for today, lord have mercy on me!

Have shoes will travel xox

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